Financing business plans Belgium

Funding business plans

Hypotheek & Buitenland does not currently accompany any applications for business financing in Belgium. Thus, we cannot help with mortgage applications for starting or taking over a property in the tourism sector, where it is clear that the existing income in the Netherlands will be lost. The services of Hypotheek & Buitenland are currently limited to mortgage advice and mediation for the purchase of a second or vacation home. For advice on business financing, see the section FINANCE WITHOUT BANK

If you have plans to start / take over a Bed & Breakfast , operate gîtes, buy or start a (mini) campground or hotel where the property to be purchased in Belgium is central and where the future income stream resulting from the business activities is required to meet the monthly mortgage payments, then that no longer falls under applying for a regular mortgage based on existing income. That’s when enterprise financing is involved. If you want to qualify, then – as in the Netherlands – a business loan will have to be applied for at a local bank where the business plan – and thus the future expected income stream – is the basis.

Hypotheek & Buitenland cannot guide you through this type of process and cannot assist you in applying for business loans with Belgian banks. Our services are limited exclusively to advising and mediating the acquisition of mortgage credit where an existing and steady income is the basis for the purchase of a primary residence or a second or vacation home.

An increasingly common route for funding business plans is to find a loan through a crowdfunding platform. For advice on this type of business financing, see the section FINANCING WITHOUT BANK

In some exceptional cases, it is possible that a property in Belgium – where the plan is to do business there in the future – may be purchased initially as a second home. This is possible only if a bank is convinced that there are no plans to move to Belgium in the near future and build a new life (with a new source of income) there.